Mon. Feb 24th, 2025

Residents and ratepayers of Moree Plains Shire are being invited to have their say on Council’s budget and plans for the next year.

Moree Plains Shire Council’s draft Operational Plan and Budget 2023-24 and Delivery Program Update, and draft Long-Term Financial Plan 2023-33 are on public exhibition and are available for public comment until 5pm Friday 2 June 2023. Council is budgeting a $989,500 surplus in 2023-24, with a breakdown of the surplus in the following funds, General Fund $643,222, Water Fund $53,925, Sewer Fund $292,353.

Moree Plains Shire Council Mayor Mark Johnson is very satisfied with Council’s proposed Budget and Plans, stating “With this budget surplus resulting from Council’s sound financial management, we are in a strong position to deliver priority projects in the coming years to cater for the planned exponential economic and social growth across the Moree Plains.”

Council’s budgetary process this year has been comprehensive, and I thank our staff and Councillors who have worked diligently to produce these documents. We have an ambitious capital and non- capital works program for the next financial year, and we look forward to delivering this for the community.

“The Draft Budget and Plans are crucial to our Shire’s future, and I encourage the community to review these documents and let us know if there are any priorities we need to change.”

Council reviews its Operational Plan and Budget and Delivery Program each year. The document is Council’s commitment to the community on how we will work towards the goals set in the Shire’s Community Strategic Plan – Our Moree Plains, Our Vision to 2032. It details what programs, projects and activities Council will undertake and how we will fund them.

The Long-Term Financial Plan 2023–33 is a decade-long plan, which is reviewed and updated annually. The Plan aids Council in making financially sustainable decisions and how the commitments made in the Operational Plan are resourced. Council is forecasting net operating surpluses over the next 10 years.

Some highlights of the budget are $85 million for capital and non-capital projects including $12.5million to finish the Moree Artesian Aquatic Centre refurbishment; $500,000 for improving our village halls; $4.69million towards completing our parks and sports fields projects across the Shire; and $40,000 for a new Events Partnership Fund to help support local organisations to deliver community events.

“We also know a safe and reliable road network is critical for our community”, added Mayor Johnson.

“That is why we have increased Council funded expenditure on the rural roads network by $1.1million over the last two years (a 14% increase), bringing the total up to $8.89million, which is 18.15% of general rates revenue. Council funded rural road resheeting has increased by 40% over the same period bringing the total up to $840,000 ($2.35million including grant funding).

In addition, Council is spending $25million in flood recovery works and $800,000 for Council’s rural roads self help program, so we can better support and partner with landholders to improve local roads.”

Council’s rates and charges are also on public display, with sewer, water and waste charges proposed to be increased to subsidise improvements to these essential services. Furthermore, this year’s general rate increase set by IPART is 3.7%, which is less than the current CPI of 7%.

Public submissions on the Draft Budget and Plans close at 5pm, Friday 2 June 2023 and should be emailed to or posted to General Manager, PO BOX 420, Moree, NSW 2400.

Draft documents, including summary budget snapshots, can be accessed at or viewed at the Moree Customer Service Centre.

For any other enquiries, please contact Council on 6757 3222.