Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

National Party members from across NSW met in Tamworth over the weekend to debate some of the biggest issues facing the people of regional and rural NSW.

One of those issues continues to be land use conflict in the Liverpool Plains and on Saturday, members carried a motion for the approved route of the Hunter Gas Pipeline to be shifted off prime agricultural farming land.

The motion calls for the pipeline to be built on Crown land wherever possible, joining calls from the Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson to reduce the impact on farming operations in the Liverpool Plains.

“We are fortunate to be home to some of the best farming country our Nation has to offer in the Liverpool Plains,” Mr Anderson said.

“I’ve been a fierce advocate for the plains throughout my time as the local member, having seen off proposals from BHP Billiton and Shenhua.

“Now we face the competing interests of the Hunter Gas Pipeline and established farming operations continuing in the area, and we need to be smart about how we protect our farming land.”

“That’s why I’ve been strong in my support for moving the pipeline off prime agricultural land and onto existing easements and crown land.”

“This would leave our farming land undisturbed while making use of underutilised crown land and easements,” he said.

“It’s great to see the motion moved at conference and supported by members. I now look forward to the motion moved at conference and supported by members, I now look forward to continuing to advocate strongly to protect prime agricultural land.”

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