Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Tenterfield Shire Council has decided to pause plans to seek an additional rate rise following a change in General Manager and the recent bushfires.

The decision was made today (Wednesday 15th November) at a Special Council Meeting Tenterfield Shire Council, when Council considered a report to seek a second Special Rate Variation as per its original direction made in 2022/23. 

Tenterfield Shire received approval from IPART in 2023 to increase its rates by 43% to  allow it to carry out road improvements, building maintenance and upgrades to parks and recreational areas. Councils’ original application was for two 43% increases, in  each 2023/24 and 2024/25. IPART only allowed one year. This required Council to seek a further increase. 

Tenterfield Mayor Bronwyn Petrie said the impact of recent fires played a part in the decision.

“Council considered the advice  of staff who prepared the 2024/25 application to IPART, and this advice allowed the  Council to review the current cost of living pressures, the long term seasonal outlook,  commodity pricing and the impacts from recent disaster events across the Tenterfield  Shire area”.  

The Councillors also discussed a need to allow its Interim General Manager time to review the long-term financial position, staffing levels, Councils future expenditure  and the service levels that may be delivered. Council also considered a very recent  report by IPART to review rates across NSW. 

“Tenterfield Shire Council will need to review the need for a Special Rate Variation in  the 2025/26 financial year as we recognise that Council must increase its own source funding to help it deliver services and to undertake road improvements”, Mayor Petrie said.

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