Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Do you fancy learning a new skill and making some new friends? Guyra Library will be hosting a “Crotchet, Chat and Cuppa” session on the first Saturday of every month.

Run in conjunction with the Guyra Country Women’s Association (CWA) Evening Branch and held at Guyra Library from 10am to 1pm, participants can bring along their current crotchet project or start a new one and catch up with likeminded people.

If you haven’t tried crochet before, come along to the library and learn a new skill – beginners are welcome and will be supported to learn how to crochet by award winning members of the Guyra CWA.

“In consultation and discussions with members of the community I have discovered that there are a lot of people (both children and adults) who would like to learn to crotchet, come together for a crotchet morning with likeminded people or just learn how to read a pattern,” said Wendy Warner, Library Engagement and Outreach Officer at Guyra Library.

“I then set out to find some expertise and the Guyra CWA Evening Branch members, some of whom want to learn too, are going to come along and offer their expertise and assistance, supply some yummy treats for morning tea, and donate wool and hooks for the beginners.”

“Jenna Howatson is a Guyra Fibre artist who has kindly volunteered her time as a member of the Guyra CWA Evening Branch to assist people with their projects, teach our beginners and share her love of crotchet and tatting with the attendees.” 

The first “Crotchet, Chat and Cuppa” session will be held on Saturday September 7, from 10am to 1pm. Please RSVP for materials and catering purposes to the Guyra Library by September 5. Please phone (02) 6770 7123.

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