IPART reopens consultation after Tenterfield updates request for a 104% rate rise
Consultation on Tenterfield Shire Council's request for a 104% rate rise has been extended to May 5 after they updated parts of their proposal.
Consultation on Tenterfield Shire Council's request for a 104% rate rise has been extended to May 5 after they updated parts of their proposal.
Northern Tablelands MP Adam Marshall has called on the new NSW Government to help farmers and homeowners prepare for a possible influx of mice this winter.
Youth Homelessness Matters Day is on this Wednesday April 19, and local organisation Pathfinders are holding a free event at the Armidale Skate Park.
Returning for its 31st year, the Australian Celtic Festival is sure to delight all the senses over a jam packed four-day event in May.
Fire agencies and land managers are developing a Bush Fire Risk Management Plan for the Armidale, Uralla and Walcha council areas and want you to have your say.
Business meetups and new workshops will soon be rolled out for businesses in Glen Innes, as the local business chamber relaunches.
If you’re looking for something fun and social, a craft group may not be the first thing that comes to mind, but the Northern Tablelands Knitter's Guild is different.
Tenterfield is on the map after another hugely successful Autumn Festival over the Easter long weekend.
A 31-year-old man has died in Tamworth Hospital after being hit by a car while walking on Woodward Avenue in South Tamworth last night.
Tingha will soon have its own monthly markets to be held in Ruby Street on the first Saturday of the month starting in May.