Dust never settles as Slim’s son releases debut album in Tamworth tomorrow
David Kirkpatrick spent his early years on the road with his parents Slim Dusty and Joy McKean, memories that have inspired his band's debut country album.
David Kirkpatrick spent his early years on the road with his parents Slim Dusty and Joy McKean, memories that have inspired his band's debut country album.
Vote for the Best Builder in the New England until 9pm tonight, July 19 at www.netimes.com.au/bitne
New England Garden Festival is back for 2024, and this year grown beyond the confines of Armidale and will branch out into 6 different townships.
Principals and owners of the multi-award winning RDR Real Estate, Wally Duff and Amanda Green, have built their successful business with their strong team in just a few years.
The balance of showing kids the beauty of farm life while keeping them safe is the focus of Farm Safety Week, as 12 per cent of injuries involve children.
Learn strategies to prevent and overcome vicarious trauma and burnout this August as a free mental health and trauma training in Glen Innes.
Vote for the Best Optometrist in the New England until 9pm tonight, July 18 at www.netimes.com.au/bitne
Check out the latest artist impressions for the $53 million redevelopment of Gunnedah Hospital.
NSW Farmers have warned the new NSW Nature Strategy announced today must not be used to restrict food and fibre production.
Trainee of the Year Jayden Townsend has big plans to change how people are viewed and treated.